Intelligent Automation For Organizations Building the Future
Too many companies fall short of realizing automation’s full potential
Infocap’s visionary approach to intelligent automation combines extensive domain experience and expert knowledge of emerging technologies with a relentless passion for guiding our customers through the complexities of successful automation
Is Your Business Struggling With…
Outdated Systems that Fail to Deliver Seamless Interactions?
Automation Projects that are Failing to Deliver Meaningful Results?
The Inefficiencies and Complexities of Verifying Government Program Eligibility?
Do you know what robotic process automation is?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence are changing the very nature of work. By leveraging the disciplines and technologies of business process automation, intelligent and omni-channel document capture, and robotic-process automation, Infocap can deliver to you an innovative digital workforce solutions to enable your workers to transition away from the manual, repetitive, and low-value tasks that have compromised capacity to deliver successful customer experiences, and the burden of unnecessarily high operational costs and increased financial, legal, and reputational risks
Infocap’s Content-Enabled Advanced Robotics (CAR) and Intelligent Process Automation solutions will enable you to have an intelligent operating environment that can efficiently and effectively, across multiple customer channels and devices, capture the "seed- data" necessary to cognitively route data and documents through your business process. The result will be a data-driven, intelligent, and optimized process that will reduce your operational costs, mitigate risks of repetitive manual tasks, and enhance your customers’ experience
How We Use Content-Enabled Advanced Robotics with Intelligent Process Automation
Omni-Channel Capture
Enhanced Customer Experience
Intelligent, Content (Data) Enabled & RPA Assisted Process Orchestration
Improved Enterprise Data Management
System-of-Record or Other Required Data Updates
Increased Process Effectiveness, Governance, and Efficiency