Services and Solutions For Your Business Needs
Determining eligibility for government program benefits requires verifying the identity of the applicant and, in some cases, the identity of dependents. The eligibility verification process requires the submission, recording, processing, and management of many different types of supporting documents such as identity documents, tax forms, income statements, utility bills, or other types of supporting documentation, a very manual and document/form intensive process
Infocap’s Government Program Eligibility Solution eliminates or mitigates missing or incomplete identity (self-association) information, the navigation of multiple systems to confirm consumer identity, and manual work allocation and prioritization. Additionally, the absence of having transparency into the status work-items or other related process activities and events, as well as, overcoming the common lack of an image integrated case management capability are addressed
Infocap’s Government Program Eligibility Solution delivers an enhanced, omni-channel customer experience, reduces or eliminates manual, repetitive, and low-value tasks enabling knowledge workers to focus on high-value tasks, enables the consistent application and execution of known business rules and the creation of actionable analytics to drive continuous process improvement, and allows for a tighter integration with back-end systems-of-record or other required enterprise applications.
[h2] Our Services [/h2]
InfoCap considers information capture to be foundational to successful business transformation efforts. Our team is able to provide value and solutions support at all stages of an organization’s System Life Cycle.
[animated_menu hover_color="#f89e25" ]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-bar-chart" title="Business Process Review" sub_title="Evaluate existing workflow to streamline outdated or inefficient processes." hover_text_color="#fff"]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-cogs" title="Business Process Automation" sub_title=" Automate information capture processes to increase the productivity of workers and quickly resolve exceptions." hover_text_color="#fff"]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-sitemap" title="Centralized Capture" sub_title="Documents are scanned then indexed with associated metadata using thick client software at a central facility" hover_text_color="#fff"]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-bolt" title="Distributed Capture" sub_title="Allows immediate capture of documents and associated metadata from remote locations and users." hover_text_color="#fff"]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-check" title="Data Extraction and Validation" sub_title="Powerful data extraction and validation functions ensure information is correct before it is used by business systems." hover_text_color="#fff"]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-picture" title="Document Recognition" sub_title="Automated recognition of documents without the use of barcodes or rules-based identification methods." hover_text_color="#fff"]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-cloud" title="Cloud-Based Deployment" sub_title="Offers global deployment choices, elastic scale up and scale out, plus cross-firewall SSL secure networking." hover_text_color="#fff"]
[animated_menu_item link="" icon="icon-dashboard" title="Information Analytics" sub_title="Out-of-the-box dashboards elevate the visibility into the effectiveness of your capture and other process solutions." hover_text_color="#fff"]
[blockquote sub_text="By Roger Staubach, Super Bowl VI MVP" blockquote_border="border_top"]
"There are no traffic jams along the extra mile"